Schematic Design is the first phase of the design process. It is the phase of the project that we dream up all the possibilities of a site and put together the Client’s ultimate wish list. The Principal Designer will meet with the Client on site to discuss: design features, site conditions, outdoor needs and uses, aesthetic preferences, problem areas and how to best capture the natural beauty of a site.

The following services are included in this phase of the design process:

  • Site Analysis - Telluric assess site conditions such as: soil quality, sun exposure, views and existing structures and features

  • Scaled Drafted Design - Using available site plans or surveys of the property, Telluric will draft a schematic design that incorporates all the features discussed and their approximate locations

  • Design Meeting - Meeting between Designer and Client to review the schematic design on site and revise drawings as necessary based on Client feedback

Next Phase: Design Development ➜

295 Sonoma Ridge2-7-17.png